Lathe spindles
Lathe spindles are used for machine-cutting of workpieces. They can also be referred to as workpiece spindles, as the workpiece is clamped via the chuck of the lathe spindle. The rotating workpiece is machined by the tool attached to the driven machine axis. Weiss Spindeltechnologie is a leading manufacturer of all types of spindle units. Whether workpiece spindles, drilling spindles, milling spindles or lath spindles – Weiss supplies top quality made in Germany worldwide. The company Weiss is one of the technology leaders in building motor spindles. In particular, in the area of individual spindles for special applications, such as in machine-cutting, Weiss has decades of competence. The spindle service around the spindle bearings, on-site spindle service, the spindle repair in the factory in Maroldsweisach as well as the impeccable technical support ensure minimum downtimes for the user in the unlikely event of a problem. Weiss Spindeltechnologie GmbH also offers a service pool. Within 24 hours, an equivalent spindle is supplied to the customer and the defective spindle, for example, after a spindle crash, is repaired.